Michigan’s New Domestic Violence and Firearm Regulations

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Michigan's New Domestic Violence and Firearm Regulations

At GY6 Arms, we’re steadfast in our commitment to responsible firearm ownership and the safety of our community. In line with this commitment, we want to ensure that our valued customers and readers are fully informed about Michigan’s new domestic violence and firearm regulations, and how they affect firearm possession. Effective February 13th, 2024, these laws represent steps being taken in the ongoing effort to prevent domestic violence and ensure the safety of all individuals. Let’s explore what these changes entail and how they impact the firearm community in Michigan.

Governor Whitmer has signed into law a set of bills (Senate Bill 471Senate Bill 528House Bill 4945) that extend firearm possession restrictions to individuals convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence offenses. This move closes a gap in the previous law, which only restricted firearm possession for those with felony convictions related to domestic violence.

The Specifics of the Law

Under MCL 750.224f(5), individuals convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence are now prohibited from possessing, using, transporting, selling, purchasing, carrying, shipping, receiving, or distributing firearms or ammunition in the state of Michigan for an eight-year period, in addition to the following conditions:

  • All fines associated with the violation must be fully paid.
  • Any terms of imprisonment must be served.
  • All conditions of probation must be successfully completed.

The legislation categorizes a violation of this prohibition as a felony, carrying a penalty of up to five years in prison, a fine of up to $5,000, or both, for either firearms or ammunition.

Understanding “Misdemeanor Involving Domestic Violence”

The term “misdemeanor involving domestic violence” covers a range of offenses including domestic assault, stalking, and malicious telecommunications interference, among others. It is critical to understand that these misdemeanors are not limited to physical violence but include any form of abuse, intimidation, or property damage within a domestic setting.

A Key Emphasis on Relationships

These laws emphasize the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator. They apply when the parties are or were spouses, have or had a child in common, are or were cohabitants, or have or had a dating relationship, which is defined by frequent and intimate associations with the expectation of affection. The laws also apply to a caregiver or another person with authority over a vulnerable adult.

Encouraging Responsible Action

We strongly encourage anyone with questions about how these new domestic violence and firearm regulations might affect them to reach out to an attorney for guidance. Compliance with these laws is not just a legal obligation but a moral one, reflecting our collective responsibility to protect the vulnerable and maintain a safe environment for all.

In closing, as we approach the effective date of these new regulations, GY6 Arms remains dedicated to providing the resources and support necessary to navigate these changes. We believe in the power of information and education to empower our customers and our community to make informed decisions and uphold the highest standards of firearm safety and ownership.

Disclaimer: This post is intended to provide an overview of the new laws and is not a substitute for professional legal advice. Please consult with a legal expert for guidance specific to your situation.

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