Secure Your Arms: Unpacking Michigan’s New Firearm Storage Laws

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Michigan's New Firearm Storage Laws

At GY6 Arms, we’re more than just a firearm retailer; we’re stewards of safety and advocates for responsible gun ownership. With Michigan’s new firearm storage laws set to take effect on February 13th, 2024, we understand the importance of being well-informed about these regulations that aim to protect our families and communities. It’s not just about compliance; it’s about cultivating a culture of safety that upholds the integrity of firearm ownership. Let’s break down these new laws and what they mean for you as responsible gun owners.

The Essence of Michigan’s New Firearm Storage Laws

Public Act 17 of 2023 (Senate Bill 79) and Public Act 16 of 2023 (Senate Bill 80) have been enacted to ensure that firearms are stored securely in any environment where minors are or may be present. These laws mandate that firearms must be unloaded and/or locked, either with a locking device or within a locked container, to prevent access by underage individuals.

Key Aspects of the Law:

1. Mandatory Secure Storage: If minors are present or expected to be on the premises, firearms must be locked up.

2. Penalties for Non-Compliance:

  • A misdemeanor charge, with a potential 93-day jail term and/or a $500 fine, if a minor accesses an improperly stored firearm.
  • A felony charge, with up to 5 years imprisonment and/or a $5,000 fine, if a minor discharges the firearm causing injury.
  • A felony charge, with up to 10 years imprisonment and/or a $7,500 fine, if the discharge results in serious impairment.
  • A felony charge, with up to 15 years imprisonment and/or a $10,000 fine, if the discharge results in death.

3. Exemptions:

  • The laws do not apply if a minor accesses a firearm with parental permission for lawful activities such as employment, ranching, farming, target practice, instruction, or hunting, in compliance with hunting laws.
  • If a minor accesses a firearm through unlawful entry, or in self-defense or defense of another, the laws do not apply.

Encouraging Safe Storage

To promote these safety measures, Governor Whitmer has also signed Senate Bills 81 and 82, providing tax exemptions for firearm safety devices through the end of 2024. This includes any equipment designed to prevent unauthorized access or discharge of a firearm, such as gun safes, lockboxes, and certain locking devices. It’s an incentive for gun owners to invest in the safety of their homes and loved ones.

At GY6 Arms, we offer a range of compliant storage solutions to fit your needs, whether it’s a simple trigger lock or a robust gun safe. Remember, these devices are not just tools; they are investments in peace of mind and the protection of those around us. Additionally, free gun safety kits can also be obtained through Project ChildSafe law enforcement partners. Simply click the link and enter your city and state to find a partner near you.

New Requirements for Federally Licensed Dealers

This legislation also imposes new requirements for federally licensed firearm dealers. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services provides resources to help FFLs comply with the new requirements to provide documents with each firearm sale. A licensed dealer is now prohibited from selling a firearm in Michigan unless the firearm is accompanied with the following:

Additionally, per MCL 28.435 all federally licensed firearms dealers in the state of Michigan must still post “in a conspicuous manner at the entrances, exits, and all points of sale on the premises where firearms are sold” a notice that says the following: “You may be criminally and civilly liable for any harm caused by a person less than 18 years of age who lawfully gains unsupervised access to your firearm if unlawfully stored.”.

All of the required literature, links, and additional resources published on our Gun Safety page.

Final Thoughts

As we navigate these new laws together, GY6 Arms is here to assist you in finding the right storage solutions that meet legal requirements and match your lifestyle. Check out the gun safes and locks we have available in our online store or contact us to find options to responsibly secure your firearms. Please visit our Gun Safety page for more resources, and PLEASE have a conversation with your kids about gun safety. Kids are curious, if something is forbidden, it makes them more curious.

Disclaimer: This post is intended for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Always consult with a lawyer for legal counsel on firearm laws.

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